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Make a global impact!

WOMB refers to Women Organizing, Mobilizing, and Building, Incorporated. Today, we are commemorating our 35 years of global impact. Getting to know you inspires us to keep empowering and equipping our network of grassroots women to positively impact their families and communities worldwide. We recognize that your divine destiny and call are linked to one of our Five Service Areas because you came out of the WOMB to make a difference. Now is the time to move from the WOMB into the WORLD. We are overjoyed that today is your Date with Destiny. Come witness firsthand what happens when women believe in God, in themselves, and in their divine purpose.

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The Vision


The mission of Women Organizing, Mobilizing, and Building, Inc. (WOMB) is to give women ongoing platforms that advocate for the empowerment of women and their families. Bishop Dr. Barbara E. Austin Lucas, our founder and chief visionary officer, received the WOMB vision in 1989. Women can perceive and construct paradigms intended to foster wellness. A comprehensive nine-hour program covering leadership, professional/ministerial development, discernment, community organizing, international networking, mentoring, and activism in one of our five service areas equips associates. Enrollment is available in January and July.


Women are effectively encouraged and supported to design and implement grassroots methods that considerably enhance their quality of life through annual conferences, monthly workshops, biannual forums, information sharing, and networking. Ultimately, WOMB paves the way for women who are destined to impact communities worldwide. WOMB strives to birth families—women, men, girls, and boys—who understand their mission and accept the power of the Holy Spirit to manifest destiny. Echoing the work of its New York Circle, WOMB has undertaken projects in the United States, Haiti, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Togo, Benin, South Africa, and Bermuda.


Beginning in July 2025, WOMB will start implementing its revised agenda in each episcopal jurisdiction affiliated with Agape Tabernacle World Outreach Ministries, carrying on the work pioneered by Bishop Dr. Barbara Etta Austin Lucas and the New York WOMB Circle.

The Mision


The preferred organization that grassroots women collaborate with is called Women Organizing, Mobilizing, and Building, Inc. (WOMB). We respond to the divine imperative to strengthen the position of women and their families. When women are trained to mobilize, organize, and create to support their communities, the integrated Mission comes to life. WOMB aims to enhance the spiritual, physical, emotional, mental, and financial empowerment of both its associates and constituents. Our strategic strategy and ministerial philosophy, which guarantee that every WOMB encounter is a Date with Destiny intended to actualize destiny, are the foundations of our principal strengths. We endorse the 17 Sustainable Development Goals set forth by the United Nations (UN).


The Agenda


Women Organizing, Mobilizing, and Building, Inc. (WOMB) is a faith-based 501c3 organization comprised of clergy and lay women working cooperatively to identify and resolve mutual concerns within the home, church/fellowship, and community arenas. The resulting synergy provides the foundation for the Five Service Areas. Namely, they are:


African Women in the Diaspora Link-Up (AWDL) is a leadership and empowerment program that provides international opportunities for cultural exploration, educational research, spiritual exchange, and global networking among women of African descent.


Health Awareness (HA) is a program that provides women (and their families) accurate, current, and vital information regarding health services, advocacy, prevention, treatment, and wellness.


Motivating Our Children and Ourselves – A Joint Agenda (MOJA) is a program that provides advocacy training for change within and without institutions charged with the responsibility to educate our children.


Sisters Strengthening Other Sisters (SSOS) is a program designed to provide support for women that purposely engages them during challenges, triumphs, and opportunities for Christian fellowship.


Women’s Economic Development (WED) is a program designed to provide financial literacy, through saving and investment measures, deemed essential for financial security and the provision of generational inheritance. In particular, our constituency receives training regarding Debt Elimination, Investment Portfolios, Estate Planning, Wealth-building, Savings and/or Checking Accounts for Minors, and Business Investments for the self-employed and/or semi-retired.


If you require additional assistance, please contact us at 855.484.WOMB (9662). Thank you.

Testimony & Prayer Request

Let us hear from you.

We appreciate your reaching out to our online ministry office today. The information you provided has been submitted. You can anticipate hearing from a representative in the next two business days. God bless you.

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